Holly – Youga

Posted by in Beauty Mode, Conversation Starters, Family, Life Hacks, News

I don’t just do Yoga… I’m not into that 🙄. Just kidding…😆 I just mean that I do muh-own thang! – because I’m like that!

Youga… to me, is whatever YOUga-na make it!

I don’t know the yoga beginning like I’d like. I even took the beginning course for being a certified yoga teacher, but decided that I didn’t give a f@ck 🤭 about labels or accreditations.

I was a certified baby sitter and certified puppy trainer when I was 12 years old. It taught me that I like to babysit my own dogs more than anything.

A year into college, I got married which led to my parents quitting paying my tuition. I ended up quitting school. – I was studying how to be an entrepreneur anyway. The internet was becoming more useful and I was optimistic that school wasn’t right for me.

I kept planning on taking Yoga as one of my college classes. I even signed up for one that didn’t have enough students to justify their first class, so they shut it down. No traditional “Yoga” for me, it seems. Which is fine with me.

Luckily, I had been in ballet and gymnastics since I was around 4 years old so I always remembered stretching and certain moves. I was fit until 18 when I felt like life was a bit out of my control (I’m a Virgo) .

I also wore that horrible birth control patch and saw stretch marks in the first week. I hadn’t even had a boyfriend yet, but my sis took me to the clinic, and sure enough. Strip naked. Get on a cold table. Get violated and probed. Get a prescription. Lovely day that was….😵😩😶

Thankfully, after wearing the patch for a week and suffering severe mood swings and weight gain, I tore the patch off and never looked back.

Lucky for me, I’m married now and after 3 boys, my husband got a vasectomy. So no birth control needed. Until that rogue seed goes savage and decides to change my fate, but they went the extra mile when they did my husbands procedure so it would literally take a miracle.

With no worries of kids in my near future, I wanna stay fit. As fit as makes me happy. Enhanced Holly-O, in a sense. Sounds like a cereal. But it’s just optimal-me.

So as 1 part of a multifaceted self-care ritual, Youga, is my version. I make names up randomly for just about everything, and if you’ve heard it somewhere else, let me know because I say Youga, with the thought that I’m doing my own yoga based off of my own flow.

So every time you go rogue, doing exercise just know, that’s your version of Holly-Youga – to me : )

Do you call your practice something unique? Share in a comment below or find me on social media for a real life person!

Have an awesome night! I’m going to go do some pre-bedtime Holly-Youga : )

Happy Stretching!


Grow Through, What You Go Through

Posted by in Inspiration, Life Hacks, News


I keep thinking about this quote, “Grow through, what you go through.” I think it’s so deep. It’s hinting at really being aware of yourself and that, whatever life throws at you, there is growth to come from it.

This brings me to a very important introspection; Self love. It is so important and as a step towards building or maintaining a loving relationship with yourself, I ask you, when was the last time you  wiggled, giggled, stretched, squirmed, and/or squealed around?  Perhaps jumping into bed or getting on to the floor. Perhaps you’re more of a social stretcher and bust into some mid sentence sun salutations for added physical benefit, all in the name of health? Just me?

All the same, I hope if you can’t find a solid block of time to really work out, then sprinkle it throughout your regular day. That way, when you do work out again, it doesn’t feel like you’re back to square one.

Standing in front of the sink? Time for the horse stance.

Using your phone on the bed? Try to stretch in any way you can (smooth movements, not jerky ones).

Sitting at your desk? Then I recommend flexing your muscles when no one is around, as long as you can. Trading muscles, holding it until that muscle set is tired and going through every muscle you can think of. It’s a great way to wake up a sedentary body.

I can tell you, that most of the times I was having a hard time in life, I wasn’t wiggling around joyfully in my bed, or on the floor, or anywhere. There wasn’t enough moving of any kind and I felt emotionally blocked for it. Who knows which comes first, the pain or the suffering, but how you get back on track faster, always starts with you and your health. Mental health and physical health are tied together. More so than most people realize.

So, since I’m not worried about sounding like a complete goofball, I can admit that I stretch it, wiggle it, sun salutations it, downward facing dog it, quite often. Like a handful of times throughout the day, if I can’t get a block of personal time to myself. I am comfortable doing it practically anywhere and in front of some, because I have my own understanding that my life just feels better when I keep moving.

Even if I only have three minutes. I’ll still take those three minutes (maybe even while I’m having a conversation and that usually gets the other person to realize “Oh! I should do that too!”to work out any kinks I have.

I move slowly and methodically with my breath, using my body to guide me into my next move. It’s like physical meditation for me, which, I love!

If you don’t feel comfortable guiding yourself I recommend using YouTube or just Googling whatever questions you have and watching a few different people to find the one that speaks to you and your body in the best way, so you can get moving and keep moving.

‘Cause, I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time, or even want, to go pay for a personal trainer or some other expensive thing, but I still want to look bomb on date night!

All this talk about stretching, I think I’ll go do some now. Peace out!

