November 9, 2019

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

Hello everyone!

It’s so nice to see the positive comments in my comments on this blog, though I have major issues with pretty much everything except posting. I wanted to thank you all somehow!

I do not make any currency from this website.

It is something I choose to work on even though there is nothing personally that I gain, other than the hope of spreading balance and positive self talk and of course, compassion and integrity!

So, If you are working towards
the life of your dreams,
here’s a
Life Hack
It’s a big
“No, thank you!”
unless it’s a positive
“Oh Yay! Yes! Looking forward to it!”

– @littlehollyopal

Review Goals Regularly 

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

I’ve been saying, for a few years now, that “This is the year! This is when all of our hard work rewards us with our goals!”

But the truth is, I know better.

As much as I want to be able to dictate when and where success will come, I know that luxury doesn’t happen on demand. 

I dream of being on my future-farm, able to sit in my office and get a few hours of un-interrupted writing done during daylight hours. That’s just not in the cards every day and that’s ok. Everyone deserves positive attention and guidance and I’m there for my children in that way. 

Since the new year, I have been practicing many new practices. One of which is learning how to manifest things using the power of positive thinking and using high vibrational frequencies to see if goals can be reached sooner. I’ll write more on this later, as today I’m just revisiting how well these manifesting practices are affecting my current life and situation. I will write whether or not they work at a later date. 

So, as much as I want to be an accomplished blogger, I recognize and realize that I will design, write blog posts, and books as much as I can until it opens up to do so more often.

After all, I am working on enjoying my children’s childhood, too! 

So, I am currently renouncing my stubborn ways and deciding to appreciate every moment I do get to work on what I want, when I want because, after all, that is my ultimate goal. To be able to do whatever I want when I want and I want that for everyone (as long as what you want does no harm to anyone or anything: )

Don’t worry! That usually means that I want to help those around me in any way I can without a negative impact. 

My children might interrupt me every few minutes on some days, but as they get older, they interrupt less and less, and I can sense and see that they really are doing well and becoming wonderful little human beings. 

We all enjoy excitedly talking about the entire family’s goals before bed each night and the family’s goals are great to discuss with the whole family, not just mom and dad deciding for the entire family, though there are times that is necessary, but not when you’re talking about goals. 

To let everyone speak up a bit about what they’re excited about in life is how we all start to connect or re-connect and connections are important your whole life, so why not cultivate an amazing relationship with your children from the start. 

Don’t get me wrong, bedtime still takes me way too long with three kids when I’m going solo, but the harder I have to work at life by myself, I get this sense that it’s adding something to a metaphorical piggy bank that will pay back in the future. 

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day!

