A Married Mother Of Three’s Take On Valentines Day

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News, Uncategorized


Since I approach my life a bit differently than most, people randomly ask me what my take on certain things is, like commercialized holidays.

Today being February 14, 2017 or Valentines Day, V-Day, ❤️-Day, etc. I found it appropriate to answer this question.

My personal belief is that no holiday really matters. If you’re feeling flush with fat stacks of money spilling over, I can understand wanting to splurge on your loved ones, otherwise, just keep reminding the people you love and care about that you love them, hopefully way more than once a year.

It can be so simple and free (or almost). If you aren’t busy and your loved one is, maybe make a meal for them as a surprise or do something else you know they’re bound to enjoy. After all, you’re together because you bonded over something, right?

If you’re both busy, lighten up and plan to celebrate when you can, in a way that is special to each of you.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, all that matters to me is that you didn’t give me a negative memory. It is kind of that simple.

I’m comfortable in my skin and I want people to be free to focus on themselves. I am not influenced by any date unless it is directly special to me or someone I love.

We celebrate what is important for us as individuals and as a family. I love spreading love, I just don’t wait for a holiday to do it.

If you can try to get and/or give someone a happy, authentic, positive memory on any day…

Well then, those are the kinds of memories people cherish that last forever.
