How to Handle Anger

Posted by in Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

Had this beauty repeating in my head all morning so I decided to condense it

If you can teach yourself, (despite your upbringing), how to explain your anger -not express it. You immediately welcome solutions instead of continuing negative patterns.

This topic welcomes many questions, so feel free to ask if you need any clarity on what I mean!

Have a wonderful day!

– @littlehollyopal

Boundaries and Self Respect

Posted by in Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks

Hello everyone!

As a firm believer of setting boundaries with tact and in the process of human improvement, let this be known:

A human who lies to themself and believes their lies, reaches a point when they become unable to recognize any truth, in themselves or others.

Ultimately, losing respect for themselves and others.

When respect is gone there is no love.

Leaving the human to cope, usually with unhealthy vices used to numb themselves.

And in the end, it was all to avoid setting boundaries, that were stripped away in childhood. Leaving a broken, programmed, and unhappy individual.

It is better to stand up for what you believe in at any age than accept living a lie.

– @littlehollyopal

P.s. Constantly ignoring boundaries in yourself or others shows others who may be more aware that there is a lack of respect in yourself.

#respectyourself with #integrity and do everyone a favor and learn about Tact

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Much love on your personal development journey!
