Do You Know Your Ultimate Desire For Contentment?

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration

I found that it makes me happiest if I keep my needs very basic and, if you are anything like me, you too desire a life of contentment.

-You’re powering through most days with an ultimate goal of self satisfaction and ever-lasting fulfillment at that rest point I hope you’re imagining in your head for the future (When you’re not living in the now, of course; ).

-That place you can’t wait to be. The one you get up in the morning for and go to bed re-evaluating if you can check any “to-do’s” off your list.

My husband and I work (some would argue: overwork) our butts off in pursuit of this very goal, broken down to its most basic form: Find an attainable position of peace for our family to experience some form of comfort and security-before we’re too old to enjoy it.

For us, this means figuring out OUR best guess of where we would be happiest, purchase property there, create a fully sustainable life, create, live, love, enjoy, share and spread how we decided to do it.

I’ve taken the past few years to study everything I ever wanted to online. I wrote a project about “There is No Harm in My Farm” when I was 8. The fact that it has taken so long for me to attain my dreams was because of self made limitations brought on by my society (the world only I, personally was subjected to) That’s the world that only I experienced and that only I have memories of. It’s the world that created who I am today. I learned my lessons. I grew. I accepted and embraced who I really am and she loves love.

It feels completely attainable. I am aware that there are unfortunately plenty of heart wrenching things going on, practically every moment (somewhere in the world), but I want my families very existence to counter that stuff. However we can.

I want to know that whatever I purchase or make may alleviate suffering somehow.

Did I grow organic (un-poisoned) flowers and other plants for local bees?

Maybe, I purchased something with a 100% compostable packaging.

Maybe, I didn’t do anything at all… Maybe I spent more time at home, not driving around or ordering anything to be delivered.

I have started to do more myself. Looking into what I could be doing on my own instead of a product.

We have to remember that product commercials are meant to sell what they are talking about, so hearing “Why” you need something is meant to convince you that you need it.

I frequently think of how basic our needs really are, and when all those needs are met for every individual… Now that would be one peaceful world 🌎✌🏻.

That’s all I have time for right now. The kids are waking up and if I don’t post this now, I will fill my day with so much fun and chores, I may not find it again until I’m too tired to use my iPhone’s keyboard.

Peace ✌🏻
