A Married Mother Of Three’s Take On Valentines Day

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News, Uncategorized


Since I approach my life a bit differently than most, people randomly ask me what my take on certain things is, like commercialized holidays.

Today being February 14, 2017 or Valentines Day, V-Day, ❤️-Day, etc. I found it appropriate to answer this question.

My personal belief is that no holiday really matters. If you’re feeling flush with fat stacks of money spilling over, I can understand wanting to splurge on your loved ones, otherwise, just keep reminding the people you love and care about that you love them, hopefully way more than once a year.

It can be so simple and free (or almost). If you aren’t busy and your loved one is, maybe make a meal for them as a surprise or do something else you know they’re bound to enjoy. After all, you’re together because you bonded over something, right?

If you’re both busy, lighten up and plan to celebrate when you can, in a way that is special to each of you.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, all that matters to me is that you didn’t give me a negative memory. It is kind of that simple.

I’m comfortable in my skin and I want people to be free to focus on themselves. I am not influenced by any date unless it is directly special to me or someone I love.

We celebrate what is important for us as individuals and as a family. I love spreading love, I just don’t wait for a holiday to do it.

If you can try to get and/or give someone a happy, authentic, positive memory on any day…

Well then, those are the kinds of memories people cherish that last forever.



What is a Personal Energetic Profile?

Posted by in Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

“The number one self-discovery tool on the internet.”
According to the website

My wonderful mom sent me their link and told me I’d need my dad’s birthday to get my results.

This intrigued me because outside of my results on my kick-ass cookin’ or after doing a few weeks of Tracy Anderson, I don’t get told to expect results very often.

So after doing some house cleaning, cooking, general momming, and spending some quality time with my oldest son, I opened my email, clicked the link, entered my info, and waited for my free personal energetic profile to come in my inbox.

The form looked like this and asked for some personal information.

I submitted my info and am not sure exactly how long it took to receive it, but it was within a few hours. The email had a five page PDF of my Personal Energetic Profile results attached to it. In that profile, they give you your 4 lifestyle traits, what kind of attraction style you have, and let you know if you have any personality modifiers (I believe, their are 5 possible personality modifiers).

Fast forward to me reading my results and being blown away that it was so spot on!

You wind up with an amazing new insight into yourself and how you vibrate energetically. As they so eloquently put on my detailed results in the five page PDF, “This is your relationship with yourself.”!

That’s huge! The more you know about yourself, the less guesswork you wind up doing. Win win!

I can’t wait to do my husbands with him and I totally recommend that everyone take a moment to gain this new knowledge into their own existence.

Let me know how you match up with what your Personal Energetic Profile below.

Have a wonderful day,



Grow Through, What You Go Through

Posted by in Inspiration, Life Hacks, News


I keep thinking about this quote, “Grow through, what you go through.” I think it’s so deep. It’s hinting at really being aware of yourself and that, whatever life throws at you, there is growth to come from it.

This brings me to a very important introspection; Self love. It is so important and as a step towards building or maintaining a loving relationship with yourself, I ask you, when was the last time you  wiggled, giggled, stretched, squirmed, and/or squealed around?  Perhaps jumping into bed or getting on to the floor. Perhaps you’re more of a social stretcher and bust into some mid sentence sun salutations for added physical benefit, all in the name of health? Just me?

All the same, I hope if you can’t find a solid block of time to really work out, then sprinkle it throughout your regular day. That way, when you do work out again, it doesn’t feel like you’re back to square one.

Standing in front of the sink? Time for the horse stance.

Using your phone on the bed? Try to stretch in any way you can (smooth movements, not jerky ones).

Sitting at your desk? Then I recommend flexing your muscles when no one is around, as long as you can. Trading muscles, holding it until that muscle set is tired and going through every muscle you can think of. It’s a great way to wake up a sedentary body.

I can tell you, that most of the times I was having a hard time in life, I wasn’t wiggling around joyfully in my bed, or on the floor, or anywhere. There wasn’t enough moving of any kind and I felt emotionally blocked for it. Who knows which comes first, the pain or the suffering, but how you get back on track faster, always starts with you and your health. Mental health and physical health are tied together. More so than most people realize.

So, since I’m not worried about sounding like a complete goofball, I can admit that I stretch it, wiggle it, sun salutations it, downward facing dog it, quite often. Like a handful of times throughout the day, if I can’t get a block of personal time to myself. I am comfortable doing it practically anywhere and in front of some, because I have my own understanding that my life just feels better when I keep moving.

Even if I only have three minutes. I’ll still take those three minutes (maybe even while I’m having a conversation and that usually gets the other person to realize “Oh! I should do that too!”to work out any kinks I have.

I move slowly and methodically with my breath, using my body to guide me into my next move. It’s like physical meditation for me, which, I love!

If you don’t feel comfortable guiding yourself I recommend using YouTube or just Googling whatever questions you have and watching a few different people to find the one that speaks to you and your body in the best way, so you can get moving and keep moving.

‘Cause, I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time, or even want, to go pay for a personal trainer or some other expensive thing, but I still want to look bomb on date night!

All this talk about stretching, I think I’ll go do some now. Peace out!


How do you make sense of all the options?

Posted by in Inspiration


In the sea of “this is good/no that’s bad”, it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with and/or figure some seemingly insignificant things out. Who owns what brand? How far did this product travel? Why can’t I afford my own land? Where do my tax dollars really go? Is there really a demon in Arizona? When did Kourtney Kardashion get sustainable? I’m kinda impressed. 

When Facebook shoved Victoria’s Secret ads in front of my.. “freaky ‘lil face”, I told them to offer me something I might want to buy! Stop outsourcing your workers and start fixing some problems. I want to hear that the company I buy from is doing something about clean drinking water or that they used recycled tires to make McNuggets or what ever… Why does it feel like somebody is always trying to get away with something?

I look forward to the day that I don’t have to look out my window and see so much concrete… Bring me to the shire. I want to take everyone home! 
