One Week Until We View Our New 39.85 Acre Property

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, News, Uncategorized

There’s been a lot of talk around here lately. …A lot of busy bee’s, talking about how exciting it is that we’re embarking on our dream, and that we are now, one step closer!

Some might just call us crazy. Others… “Go getters”, family farmers, fun folks, or my favorite yet; wild wanderers.

I do like the wild.

But I’m also a little bit of a realist. I’m aware of what I’m getting myself into and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have concerns.

Like, how are we going to go about every aspect of taking scratch land and turning it into our dream? …but in knowing the reality and already having the realization (years ago) that I want to enjoy every day of my life, it has led to this moment.

…My trail has led me on my path to this time, here and now. Where we are approaching something that seemed so far away, and still is in a way…

So, I’m nervous that I won’t be living in a spacious home for a while.



I am in this body, in this RV, on my parents property, thinking about how one should actually pre-plan staying on bare land with 3 young boys and 3 chihuahuas.

I’ve been doing it for 11 years this 21st of May. Ya know… Mothering like a mother-hugga! (I love hugs 🤗 ) I know what I need to do. It’s up to me to do it. Be accountable for what I’m trying to accomplish.

I randomly wish that some humanitarian, do-gooder will stumble across a post and have the realization that they can actually do good, right now, by contacting me and letting me know how they would like to help.

I like info. I like mentors. I like resources. I like any helpfulness, really. It’s part of this whole #behelpful #notahindrance thing, I’m all about.

Well, I spent all day cleaning and organizing for next weeks trip. I’m spent!

I may be physically tired this evening, but I am mentally already building barns, decorating rooms, and rescuing animals.

I’m looking forward to my dreams and wishing you a restful evening!

– Holly

Facing Fears: If There’s Nothing to Lose, Then That Tells Me, We Could All Win Somehow 

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Inspiration, News


In a world so occasionally terrifying, I choose to not be afraid to fail, but to attempt to succeed.

Life attempt 3,367,533,346,224:

I keep thinking about reaching out to my heroes, my role models, people who inspired me to be on my path, in the way that I choose to now walk it.

I’m always being told that to truly succeed: Get a mentor!

That’s not an easy one for me. I had limited good influences in my whole life and have to ask myself, “Who are my mentors?”

My Brain responds with… “I really love fun (duh!) So naturally, I was drawn to comedic movies and shows as a child and my parents were too. I’m sure that influenced me as well.

So I start thinking about some of my early years favorite, favorite movies.  Which were usually comedies like: Marry Poppins, Cone Heads, Wayne’s World, both Ace Ventura’s, Jurassic Park (not quite a comedy, but I’m giving an idea of the era I am from).

Then I start thinking about the comedians I enjoyed watching the most, talent like Dave Chappelle, Jim Carey, Rodney Dangerfield, Bob Hope, George Carlin, Jimmy Fallon, Adam Sandler, Dana Carvey, and Mike Meyers and the list goes on forever, not in that order, and this is only the comedian section.

I don’t want to start at the very bottom in show biz either. I’ve lived. I’ve been. I’ve seen sheeit. Then I start envisioning how I may approach the big wigs.

So instead, I’m writing as I imagine meeting these people in hypothetical scenarios that I’ll write out for you here in this moment as it flies from my thoughts.

Freestyle Approach of Dave Chappelle:

(Stay tuned for the “How I Would Approach My Mentors Series!”)

Ok, here it goes!

👋”Oh Hey Dave, sorry to take up your time… just another fan 🙂.

I  really enjoyed your Netflix 2 Episode Comedy Special! I was right there with you. I had the same thoughts on that shit! I just really dig how you keep it real with your truly hilarious jokes. You’re so good at it! One of the best! 😃

Your jokes affected me man🤓, even when I talk to my mom. I might say “I’m Rick James, Bitch!” And she gets it! She’s laughing harder than anyone else.

We watched Robin Hood Men In Tights, Half Baked, The Chappell Show. We didn’t watch everything, that’s about it, but I saw enough to know you were fucking hilarious!

We’re loyal fans and I don’t know who has a need for non religious, “crazy”(like a 🦊), ratical thinkers…? But maybe, if you ever find the need for a goofy, feminine voice actress/overall grounded, good person or sup’m😳. Then I’d be really excited/petrified and If I get a good enough paying gig, I can start saving money for my future sustainable farm and that Tesla SUV thing, and be able to afford to give my 3 kids the future everyone deserves and maybe, when I become successful and philanthropic, I can hopefully help with that too. ”

Then my hope is that he wouldn’t be worried about me as a stranger, but that he had seen that even though I was a little nutty, it was ultimately the same kind of nutty he was. This is hypothetical after all.

But that’s just winging it.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to take a moment to encourage my sister to not be afraid to fail to contact her mentors, who are currently: Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Comedian John Oliver…

“Good luck Sis!”

Ok! Now… let me take this chance to ask you some questions to help you find out who you may look up to.

Clearing your mind and thinking of your favorite memories, think back to who you look up to, who/what really caught your eye for the first time in your life?

What was so special about it?

Where would you be?

Would anyone be with you?

How are you behaving?

What kind of atmosphere is it?

What are you doing?

Are there any smells or feelings that arise?

Follow your favorite thoughts. Play in your mind. Imagine your dreams as if they were a reality and if you focus on it and get really, truly excited about it, ya never know. Maybe something amazing might happen! Even if it doesn’t, rest assured that whatever you truly desire is coming for you, so it’s up to you to decide what approach and attitude you decide to take with this mirror we call life. And have it be YOUR decision. That’s been the only missing ingredient the whole time ; )

Thank you to any and all who read this!

Have a good one!


Do You Know Your Ultimate Desire For Contentment?

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration

I found that it makes me happiest if I keep my needs very basic and, if you are anything like me, you too desire a life of contentment.

-You’re powering through most days with an ultimate goal of self satisfaction and ever-lasting fulfillment at that rest point I hope you’re imagining in your head for the future (When you’re not living in the now, of course; ).

-That place you can’t wait to be. The one you get up in the morning for and go to bed re-evaluating if you can check any “to-do’s” off your list.

My husband and I work (some would argue: overwork) our butts off in pursuit of this very goal, broken down to its most basic form: Find an attainable position of peace for our family to experience some form of comfort and security-before we’re too old to enjoy it.

For us, this means figuring out OUR best guess of where we would be happiest, purchase property there, create a fully sustainable life, create, live, love, enjoy, share and spread how we decided to do it.

I’ve taken the past few years to study everything I ever wanted to online. I wrote a project about “There is No Harm in My Farm” when I was 8. The fact that it has taken so long for me to attain my dreams was because of self made limitations brought on by my society (the world only I, personally was subjected to) That’s the world that only I experienced and that only I have memories of. It’s the world that created who I am today. I learned my lessons. I grew. I accepted and embraced who I really am and she loves love.

It feels completely attainable. I am aware that there are unfortunately plenty of heart wrenching things going on, practically every moment (somewhere in the world), but I want my families very existence to counter that stuff. However we can.

I want to know that whatever I purchase or make may alleviate suffering somehow.

Did I grow organic (un-poisoned) flowers and other plants for local bees?

Maybe, I purchased something with a 100% compostable packaging.

Maybe, I didn’t do anything at all… Maybe I spent more time at home, not driving around or ordering anything to be delivered.

I have started to do more myself. Looking into what I could be doing on my own instead of a product.

We have to remember that product commercials are meant to sell what they are talking about, so hearing “Why” you need something is meant to convince you that you need it.

I frequently think of how basic our needs really are, and when all those needs are met for every individual… Now that would be one peaceful world 🌎✌🏻.

That’s all I have time for right now. The kids are waking up and if I don’t post this now, I will fill my day with so much fun and chores, I may not find it again until I’m too tired to use my iPhone’s keyboard.

Peace ✌🏻



The Crystal Movie – By Spirit Science

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News, The Adaptive

Now, at first glance, you might be thinking… “Crystals?”, but don’t pre-judge anything before you check out this wonderfully informative video on crystals and how they can benefit many aspects of your life.

I am currently testing out all of the things they discuss in this short movie and I’ll let you know after a little more time how it’s going. (Honestly, so far so cool!)

I started using crystals just a few weeks ago because I stumbled upon great information that stated how beneficial they are to add to ones life. Crystal information seemed to be popping out everywhere. I’ve been making it a point to pay more attention to syncranicities that happen around me.

My sister was on the crystal train already and doing her own in-depth research which has proved to be very rewarding to her life.

Enjoy this easy to digest video!

Do you own any crystals?

I’ve heard that crystals go where they are needed.

Tell us a story of how you came to hold your crystals.

Looking forward to your comments!

– Holly


Everything Is Connected

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Inspiration, Life Hacks, The Adaptive

Hello hello!

Lately, I really enjoy looking up scientific info, even though I used to say I disliked science (I was a silly child), but now I love to watch videos from Brian Cox, David Attenborough, Stephen Hawking, and the like.

Today this video crossed my path and it didn’t disappoint.


Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Have a beautiful day!



Review Goals Regularly 

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

I’ve been saying, for a few years now, that “This is the year! This is when all of our hard work rewards us with our goals!”

But the truth is, I know better.

As much as I want to be able to dictate when and where success will come, I know that luxury doesn’t happen on demand. 

I dream of being on my future-farm, able to sit in my office and get a few hours of un-interrupted writing done during daylight hours. That’s just not in the cards every day and that’s ok. Everyone deserves positive attention and guidance and I’m there for my children in that way. 

Since the new year, I have been practicing many new practices. One of which is learning how to manifest things using the power of positive thinking and using high vibrational frequencies to see if goals can be reached sooner. I’ll write more on this later, as today I’m just revisiting how well these manifesting practices are affecting my current life and situation. I will write whether or not they work at a later date. 

So, as much as I want to be an accomplished blogger, I recognize and realize that I will design, write blog posts, and books as much as I can until it opens up to do so more often.

After all, I am working on enjoying my children’s childhood, too! 

So, I am currently renouncing my stubborn ways and deciding to appreciate every moment I do get to work on what I want, when I want because, after all, that is my ultimate goal. To be able to do whatever I want when I want and I want that for everyone (as long as what you want does no harm to anyone or anything: )

Don’t worry! That usually means that I want to help those around me in any way I can without a negative impact. 

My children might interrupt me every few minutes on some days, but as they get older, they interrupt less and less, and I can sense and see that they really are doing well and becoming wonderful little human beings. 

We all enjoy excitedly talking about the entire family’s goals before bed each night and the family’s goals are great to discuss with the whole family, not just mom and dad deciding for the entire family, though there are times that is necessary, but not when you’re talking about goals. 

To let everyone speak up a bit about what they’re excited about in life is how we all start to connect or re-connect and connections are important your whole life, so why not cultivate an amazing relationship with your children from the start. 

Don’t get me wrong, bedtime still takes me way too long with three kids when I’m going solo, but the harder I have to work at life by myself, I get this sense that it’s adding something to a metaphorical piggy bank that will pay back in the future. 

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day!



Trauma Release Exercise Technique

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, The Adaptive

Hello everyone,

Today I want to share something that might look a bit odd, but it’s beneficial  none-the-less.

Most of us have suffered some form of trauma in our lives and there are many ways to deal with it. One of them being Trauma Releasing Exercise (TRE)

Check out the video below to learn more about how to release trauma from your body. It’s a great way to feel better when you can’t exactly figure out what’s bothering you.

If you do try it out, feel free to let me know how you feel afterwards.

Have an awesome day!



What I learned from a Stanford Nutritional Course I took Online For Free From Coursera

Posted by in Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News


Did you know you can take some college courses for free or a small fee depending on if you want to be able to put it on your resume?

Since April 2012, Computer Science Professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller from Stanford University have been busy so that the rest of us could have access to some of the best educational courses out there. There are other options out there, but I tested out Coursera first.

Naturally, I was curious, after I heard about Coursera for the first time in mid 2015 from my 60 year old mother (She’s not your typical 60 year old) I knew I had to take a few courses for myself… for free!

Being a mother of three boys who know how to eat, eat, eat. I started all of my children off on fully organic, homegrown, homemade, home cooked, vegetables because don’t we all know by now that if you start them out on fruit that they are more likely to crave sweet over other more nutritious foods and that those pre made baby food jars aren’t the healthiest option?

I am an Entrepreneur, having once run a successful blog for a few years back in the early 2010’s, and I am currently studying at my own pace to become a Yoga instructor, while starting a non-profit.

Who knows how true it is, but I once heard it takes 10 years to master anything, so I’m in the year of mastering this be-otch… called nutrition!

If you’ve read my post on how I kicked a few health issues then you understand that it had been a love/hate relationship. Why can’t I eat chocolate covered cherries all day and feel like a billion bucks? Well, it turns out not all food is created equal and that our bodies can be screaming at us and if we don’t know what to listen for (say, if no one taught us or maybe we are too stubborn to listen).

I realized late in life that I knew nothing about nutrition. I was 6 months pregnant with my first son and I wanted whatever I wanted and had been told by most every passer-bye-er that I was so lucky I would get to eat whatever I wanted.

Those ARE the words every pregnant women wants to hear. Because all of a sudden your sexy, sleek, curves, are bulgy and swollen and you can’t tell if you want to laugh, cry, or throw up. I call that time in my life my own version of the Wonder Years.

I think back and wonder why I thought the things I did. I understand that I had never learned what kind of foods were really good for me. I knew to eat vegetables, but I didn’t know how to make them delicious yet and the phrase “I can eat whatever I want.” Kept creeping in my head.

Eating whatever I wanted at the time was hindered by our bank account at the time so my go-to consisted of, some of you may want to close your eyes, but McDonalds and a Coke. I was totally hooked. I needed that Big Mac and caffeine.

Now, knowing what I know, it was the MSG, corn syrup, salt, partially hydrogenated oils, etc. that kept me coming back for more. I wasn’t just hooked. I was addicted. Mostly to the coke I found out later. Interestingly enough, when I wanted to know why I had this addiction, I asked my family I found out my oldest sister takes the cake.

Back in the days of siblings being the only baby sitters available, my 11 years my senior sister, was too tired to get me the water I was begging for. So, she handed her baby sister her coke to quiet her.

Now, you have to understand that I don’t blame anyone else for my problems (at least when they can hear me ; ) so I bucked up and was bound and determined to find out more about our food system. This started in 2006 and I have been studying everyday since and now have plans to potentially become a Holistic Health Practitioner. If I do this it will be AFTER I raise my triplets (No, they’re not really triplets).

So you want to know what I learned from my Free Stanford course? Not much, But that was the best part! The instructor was so impressive! She knew what I already knew… But I expected it to be a food pyramid, laughable nutrition course because that has been my experience my whole life.

I was delighted to find out I was wrong on my expectations. Realizing that I would never have had access to this amazing course if it wasn’t for Cousera, I told as many people as I could about it. I didn’t need to know the info in the course, but I needed to know that the course was worthy, I guess. It is worthy.

I had spent the last 10 years gathering a lot of the info she laid out in 5 weeks. So if your looking for some learning short cuts, you can look on Coursera or one of the many other online schools popping up.
I don’t think it should be so difficult to obtain a job that pays a very generous wage. It should fully be expected and the norm that everyone be healthy, happy, kind, motivated, friendly, generous. I understand that the biggest problem starts with the Giant wealth gap between the 1% and the rest of us. Let’s not forget we’re all in this together.

Hope you make your day amazing,





Almost Homemade Topical Pain Relief Recipe

Posted by in Inspiration, Life Hacks


I say “almost homemade” because we don’t make our own oils yet, but maybe one day 🙂

This is a fail-proof recipe for our family and I hope it works for yours too!

Just mix your favorite Emu oil With about 4 drops of Helichrysum Essential Oil per area of application. 

You can use your hands or a bowl and poor or scoop (depending on the kind of emu oil you choose) enough emu oil to cover the area and add the drops of helichrysum in and mix together and massage into the affected area. We notice it work within a few minutes and have always applied it as needed. 

Helichrysum is gentle enough to be applied straight to skin without another (carrier) oil to dilute it.

Wishing you a pain free, great day!

