Give It Your All

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

Ultimately we humans learn that service to others is how we feel connected, confident, and whole.

Yet, it is easy to give up or give in to the needs or plights of others and potentially lose ourselves in the process.

No matter who is asking, it will always be in your best interest to listen to your own intuition.

You can hear other’s out, but what you do is always your choice.

So, in service to life, I have devoted myself (since very young) to give every task I choose to take on, my all.

I appreciate that I learned this lesson early in life.


Love you all!

Have a great one!

– @littlehollyopal

November 9, 2019

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News

Hello everyone!

It’s so nice to see the positive comments in my comments on this blog, though I have major issues with pretty much everything except posting. I wanted to thank you all somehow!

I do not make any currency from this website.

It is something I choose to work on even though there is nothing personally that I gain, other than the hope of spreading balance and positive self talk and of course, compassion and integrity!

So, If you are working towards
the life of your dreams,
here’s a
Life Hack
It’s a big
“No, thank you!”
unless it’s a positive
“Oh Yay! Yes! Looking forward to it!”

– @littlehollyopal

Boundaries and Self Respect

Posted by in Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks

Hello everyone!

As a firm believer of setting boundaries with tact and in the process of human improvement, let this be known:

A human who lies to themself and believes their lies, reaches a point when they become unable to recognize any truth, in themselves or others.

Ultimately, losing respect for themselves and others.

When respect is gone there is no love.

Leaving the human to cope, usually with unhealthy vices used to numb themselves.

And in the end, it was all to avoid setting boundaries, that were stripped away in childhood. Leaving a broken, programmed, and unhappy individual.

It is better to stand up for what you believe in at any age than accept living a lie.

– @littlehollyopal

P.s. Constantly ignoring boundaries in yourself or others shows others who may be more aware that there is a lack of respect in yourself.

#respectyourself with #integrity and do everyone a favor and learn about Tact

Feel free to Pin and share!

Much love on your personal development journey!

One Week Until We View Our New 39.85 Acre Property

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, News, Uncategorized

There’s been a lot of talk around here lately. …A lot of busy bee’s, talking about how exciting it is that we’re embarking on our dream, and that we are now, one step closer!

Some might just call us crazy. Others… “Go getters”, family farmers, fun folks, or my favorite yet; wild wanderers.

I do like the wild.

But I’m also a little bit of a realist. I’m aware of what I’m getting myself into and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have concerns.

Like, how are we going to go about every aspect of taking scratch land and turning it into our dream? …but in knowing the reality and already having the realization (years ago) that I want to enjoy every day of my life, it has led to this moment.

…My trail has led me on my path to this time, here and now. Where we are approaching something that seemed so far away, and still is in a way…

So, I’m nervous that I won’t be living in a spacious home for a while.



I am in this body, in this RV, on my parents property, thinking about how one should actually pre-plan staying on bare land with 3 young boys and 3 chihuahuas.

I’ve been doing it for 11 years this 21st of May. Ya know… Mothering like a mother-hugga! (I love hugs 🤗 ) I know what I need to do. It’s up to me to do it. Be accountable for what I’m trying to accomplish.

I randomly wish that some humanitarian, do-gooder will stumble across a post and have the realization that they can actually do good, right now, by contacting me and letting me know how they would like to help.

I like info. I like mentors. I like resources. I like any helpfulness, really. It’s part of this whole #behelpful #notahindrance thing, I’m all about.

Well, I spent all day cleaning and organizing for next weeks trip. I’m spent!

I may be physically tired this evening, but I am mentally already building barns, decorating rooms, and rescuing animals.

I’m looking forward to my dreams and wishing you a restful evening!

– Holly
