Boundaries and Self Respect

Posted by in Family, Inspiration, Life Hacks

Hello everyone!

As a firm believer of setting boundaries with tact and in the process of human improvement, let this be known:

A human who lies to themself and believes their lies, reaches a point when they become unable to recognize any truth, in themselves or others.

Ultimately, losing respect for themselves and others.

When respect is gone there is no love.

Leaving the human to cope, usually with unhealthy vices used to numb themselves.

And in the end, it was all to avoid setting boundaries, that were stripped away in childhood. Leaving a broken, programmed, and unhappy individual.

It is better to stand up for what you believe in at any age than accept living a lie.

– @littlehollyopal

P.s. Constantly ignoring boundaries in yourself or others shows others who may be more aware that there is a lack of respect in yourself.

#respectyourself with #integrity and do everyone a favor and learn about Tact

Feel free to Pin and share!

Much love on your personal development journey!

Aloneness VS Loneliness

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Inspiration, Life Hacks, News, The Adaptive, Uncategorized

If you search the meaning of aloneness, oogly-googley comes up with some definitions that are a bit off from my own.

To me, aloneness is feeling content when alone. Having a tendency to choose peace and self care instead of frivolously giving away my own personal energy.

Loneliness is the lack of feeling content when alone.

I choose aloneness: )

I have many wonderful friends and I think they are growing their love of aloneness as well.

Choosing quality time with anyone, especially family, is a key component to my whole “best day ever!” Life motto.

I am so grateful for the #selfcare my family has taught me to seek out.

Tarahdeen y’all! (You win! I win!)


What It’s Like Being a Manifesting-Generator!

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I have been studying my personal and family’s human design for almost a year now and it has only improved our family dynamics and interpersonal skills.

Have you ever heard of Human Design?

I hadn’t until a great friend of mine mentioned something about it and that I should look it up.

So I did.

Then I received Richard Rudd’s “Gene Keys” book as a gift from the same savvy soul.

Mind = blown.

I was reading everything about me, but I didn’t write it.

Things that I had already experienced were being spelled out so clearly for others to read.

Things I wanted to share before with others, but wasn’t sure they would fully understand.

Needless to say, I was one happy woman. Having so many thoughts and beliefs confirmed and with an awesomely compassionate integrity driven twist.

As an example of the kind of info it spells out, according to my human design and gene keys, I am a protector of the plane, am meant to build systems, and teach others how to live according to their own human design.

I was already protecting others since 4 years old. I was already building a sustainable farm on 40 acres. I was already coaching others on how to be their best selves.

Human Design and Gene Keys were the cherries on top that confirmed to me that I was on my true path.

Thank goodness! (Or the Sun, or God, or Source, or Gaia, or whatever your soul resonates with).

Just please, do yourself a favor and thank and believe in yourself!

More on this later,

Holly out!



You win. I win.

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Good morning!

I have been meditating and thought this would be a great time to blog. The kids and dogs are still asleep!

I remember watching movies as a child and picking out the characters with the most luxurious, fancy, classy, priceless (in my eyes), divine, goddess look or lives, -their human experience.

There was no speak of money. I didn’t notice until after I was 8 that most movies were different than I had first noticed.

When I watched Marry Poppins for the first time, I didn’t put it together that that was her job!

I thought she was helping out a troubled family because it called her in on a storm. I was like, 3. BUT, “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go dooown!” Became my motto when family life became too much for a 4 year old to handle…

My parents came from pretty rough minded humans. My dad was thrown down the stairs at least once, among other consistent daily physical and/or emotional abuse.

My mother’s father was an all too common abusive drunk and her mom was a drinker,- woman in that era (1950’s). She was whatever society would allow her to be in her situation. I have never met my mother’s father, but I did speak with him on the phone a few years ago, as they had made a mends, (on my grandfather side anyway). I can imagine how my mom may feel-invalidated about both of her mildly maladjusted parents. She is amazing though, because of the extent that she puts up with how difficult they are. I guess this is what I do with my dad. Always feeling like he’s against me, because he is and he’ll say he’s not- total narcissists in this world!

I am in the grey. We have yin and yang here. I stand by the valid points on both sides of any argument. I can place myself in both sets of shoes.

I believe in balance! I believe in dark and light. I believe in my soul and in my body. I believe in being ferociously strong and divinely delicate. I believe in being completely authentic to oneself (with integrity!) I believe in spirituality and mother nature. I believe we should be focusing down as much as up!

Let’s bring balance to the madness!

Everyone deserves to win! I recently read an article that there is an Arabic word for this, the word is taarradhin (tah-rah-deen). Loosely translates to “You win, I win.”

So let’s taarradhin the sh!t out of this experience!

Now that you know a little bit more about how I think, as much as I would love to blog full time, it just wouldn’t be authentically me. So yes, I find blogging a tiny bit difficult, in my life situation, but I also feel called to it and it gets easier in phases. I love to share my perspective. To get like minded tribesmen on my team. Wearing my heart on my shoulder because that’s where I choose for it to be. I have been making up my own affirmations for a while now and am getting more confident about letting me out.

“I am love. I am light. I am here to do all things right!”

– repeat 3x So mote it be!

Lmao! I am joking on it being a spell, (Halloween will be here before you know it!), but in all seriousness that is a completely valid thing to say because positivity breeds positivity. Like with like, right?!

I hope you all have an amazing human experience everyday!

Love you long time!


Hello Again!

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We have been busy traveling RV-ers and have captured the last 3 months on drone and GoPro. We were unable to have full hookups, internet, or cell service at the hot springs we were volunteering at, so I will work on sharing our summer adventures, hopefully, sometime soon.

Keep on keepin’ on!


One Week Until We View Our New 39.85 Acre Property

Posted by in Conversation Starters, Family, Inspiration, News, Uncategorized

There’s been a lot of talk around here lately. …A lot of busy bee’s, talking about how exciting it is that we’re embarking on our dream, and that we are now, one step closer!

Some might just call us crazy. Others… “Go getters”, family farmers, fun folks, or my favorite yet; wild wanderers.

I do like the wild.

But I’m also a little bit of a realist. I’m aware of what I’m getting myself into and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have concerns.

Like, how are we going to go about every aspect of taking scratch land and turning it into our dream? …but in knowing the reality and already having the realization (years ago) that I want to enjoy every day of my life, it has led to this moment.

…My trail has led me on my path to this time, here and now. Where we are approaching something that seemed so far away, and still is in a way…

So, I’m nervous that I won’t be living in a spacious home for a while.



I am in this body, in this RV, on my parents property, thinking about how one should actually pre-plan staying on bare land with 3 young boys and 3 chihuahuas.

I’ve been doing it for 11 years this 21st of May. Ya know… Mothering like a mother-hugga! (I love hugs 🤗 ) I know what I need to do. It’s up to me to do it. Be accountable for what I’m trying to accomplish.

I randomly wish that some humanitarian, do-gooder will stumble across a post and have the realization that they can actually do good, right now, by contacting me and letting me know how they would like to help.

I like info. I like mentors. I like resources. I like any helpfulness, really. It’s part of this whole #behelpful #notahindrance thing, I’m all about.

Well, I spent all day cleaning and organizing for next weeks trip. I’m spent!

I may be physically tired this evening, but I am mentally already building barns, decorating rooms, and rescuing animals.

I’m looking forward to my dreams and wishing you a restful evening!

– Holly

Holly – Youga

Posted by in Beauty Mode, Conversation Starters, Family, Life Hacks, News

I don’t just do Yoga… I’m not into that 🙄. Just kidding…😆 I just mean that I do muh-own thang! – because I’m like that!

Youga… to me, is whatever YOUga-na make it!

I don’t know the yoga beginning like I’d like. I even took the beginning course for being a certified yoga teacher, but decided that I didn’t give a f@ck 🤭 about labels or accreditations.

I was a certified baby sitter and certified puppy trainer when I was 12 years old. It taught me that I like to babysit my own dogs more than anything.

A year into college, I got married which led to my parents quitting paying my tuition. I ended up quitting school. – I was studying how to be an entrepreneur anyway. The internet was becoming more useful and I was optimistic that school wasn’t right for me.

I kept planning on taking Yoga as one of my college classes. I even signed up for one that didn’t have enough students to justify their first class, so they shut it down. No traditional “Yoga” for me, it seems. Which is fine with me.

Luckily, I had been in ballet and gymnastics since I was around 4 years old so I always remembered stretching and certain moves. I was fit until 18 when I felt like life was a bit out of my control (I’m a Virgo) .

I also wore that horrible birth control patch and saw stretch marks in the first week. I hadn’t even had a boyfriend yet, but my sis took me to the clinic, and sure enough. Strip naked. Get on a cold table. Get violated and probed. Get a prescription. Lovely day that was….😵😩😶

Thankfully, after wearing the patch for a week and suffering severe mood swings and weight gain, I tore the patch off and never looked back.

Lucky for me, I’m married now and after 3 boys, my husband got a vasectomy. So no birth control needed. Until that rogue seed goes savage and decides to change my fate, but they went the extra mile when they did my husbands procedure so it would literally take a miracle.

With no worries of kids in my near future, I wanna stay fit. As fit as makes me happy. Enhanced Holly-O, in a sense. Sounds like a cereal. But it’s just optimal-me.

So as 1 part of a multifaceted self-care ritual, Youga, is my version. I make names up randomly for just about everything, and if you’ve heard it somewhere else, let me know because I say Youga, with the thought that I’m doing my own yoga based off of my own flow.

So every time you go rogue, doing exercise just know, that’s your version of Holly-Youga – to me : )

Do you call your practice something unique? Share in a comment below or find me on social media for a real life person!

Have an awesome night! I’m going to go do some pre-bedtime Holly-Youga : )

Happy Stretching!

